49-2-206. Executive committee Powers and duties.
(a) The chair of the board of education and director of schools constitute the executive committee of the board of education.
(b) The duties of the executive committee are to:
(1) Meet at the office of the director as often as necessary to perform the duties required;
(2) Advertise for bids and let contracts authorized by the board of education;
(3) Serve as the purchasing agent for the board; provided, that this shall not apply to counties having a purchasing board nor to counties having a purchasing agent created by a private or local act;
(4) Examine all accounts authorized by the board and see that the budget approved by the legislative body is not exceeded;
(5) Submit at each regular meeting of the board for approval a full report of all business transacted since the last regular meeting, which report shall be recorded as a part of the minutes of the board of education; and
(6) Transact any other business assigned to the committee by the board.
[Acts 1925, ch. 115, § 6; Shan. Supp., §§ 1487a37, 1487a38; Code 1932, §§ 2327, 2327a; Acts 1957, ch. 175, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 49-219; Acts 1992, ch. 535, § 9.]