49-4-937. HOPE scholarship For students who complete diploma from a Tennessee technology center.
(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this part to the contrary, a student who is eligible for a Tennessee HOPE scholarship upon graduation from high school, completion of high school in a Tennessee home school or obtaining a GED, but who, instead of applying for a Tennessee HOPE scholarship, applies to and enrolls in a Tennessee technology center and receives a Wilder-Naifeh technical skills grant, shall continue to be eligible for a Tennessee HOPE scholarship; provided, that the student:
(1) Applies for a HOPE scholarship and enrolls in an eligible postsecondary institution within three (3) years of completing a diploma from a Tennessee technology center consisting of at least nine hundred (900) clock hours;
(2) Is not ineligible for a HOPE scholarship under § 49-4-904; and
(3) Meets the requirements of § 49-4-905(a).
(b) This section shall also apply to students who are eligible for general assembly merit scholarships and Tennessee HOPE access grants.
(c) Enrollment at a Tennessee technology center by a student working toward a diploma before receiving a Tennessee HOPE scholarship, general assembly merit scholarship or Tennessee HOPE access grant under this section shall not count under § 49-4-913 or § 49-4-920 toward the limitation on receipt on a Tennessee HOPE scholarship, general assembly merit scholarship or Tennessee HOPE access grant.
[Acts 2006, ch. 980, § 1; 2008, ch. 1142, § 11.]