49-5-510. Transfers within system.
The director of schools, when necessary to the efficient operation of the school system, may transfer a teacher from one location to another within the school system, or from one type of work to another for which the teacher is qualified and licensed; provided, that transfers shall be acted upon in accordance with board policy and any locally negotiated agreement.
[Acts 1951, ch. 76, § 10 (Williams, § 2345.10); Acts 1957, ch. 202, § 1; 1965, ch. 196, § 1; 1969, ch. 286, § 1; 1970, ch. 480, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 49-1411; Acts 1987, ch. 308, § 27; 1992, ch. 535, § 15; 1998, ch. 826, § 2.]