49-5-5024. Tennessee Challenge 2000.
(a) (1) The commissioner of education shall, while being mindful of the southern regional education board's Goals for Education: CHALLENGE 2000 , develop long-term, quantifiable goals for Tennessee kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education, to be known as TENNESSEE CHALLENGE 2000.
(2) The Tennessee higher education commission, in consort with the University of Tennessee board of trustees and the state board of regents, shall, while being mindful of the southern regional education board's Goals for Education: CHALLENGE 2000 , develop long-term, quantifiable goals for Tennessee higher education, to be known as TENNESSEE CHALLENGE 2000. The goals shall also reflect qualitative improvements in public higher education.
(b) (1) The commissioner shall present such goals to the select joint committee created pursuant to § 3-15-301, for such committee's review.
(2) The executive director shall present such higher education goals to the select joint committee for such committee's review and approval.
(c) (1) The commissioner shall present annually a progress report on the goals achieved and progress made in attaining such goals and recommend short-term goals for kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education by February 15 to the select joint committee.
(2) The executive director of the Tennessee higher education commission, in consort with the University of Tennessee board of trustees and the state board of regents, shall present annually a progress report on the goals achieved and the progress made in attaining such goals, and recommend short-term goals for higher education by February 15 to the select joint committee.
(d) The committee shall recommend long-term, quantifiable goals for kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education to the state board of education.
(e) The state board of education shall adopt a set of long-term, quantifiable goals for kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12) education based on the recommendations of the commissioner and the select joint committee and shall establish policies and procedures for the achievement of and accountability for the goals.
(f) Should the select joint committee be terminated, the presentations by the commissioner and the executive director shall be made to the standing committees on education of the senate and the house of representatives.
[Acts 1989, ch. 133, § 1.]