5-12-108. Budget proposal Public comment Committee revisions.
(a) (1) (A) At least ten (10) days before the budget committee conducts a public hearing as provided in subdivision (a)(3), the budget committee shall cause the proposed annual operating budget to be published in a newspaper of general circulation.
(B) This budget shall contain a budgetary comparison for the following governmental funds:
(i) General;
(ii) Highway/public works;
(iii) General purpose school fund; and
(iv) Debt service
that shall include comparisons of the proposed budget with the current year and the prior year.
(C) The budgetary comparisons shall be by individual fund and shall summarize revenues by local taxes, state of Tennessee, federal government and other sources. Expenditures shall be summarized by salaries and other costs. The budgetary comparison shall also present beginning and ending fund balances and the number of employee positions.
(2) The publication shall also contain a notice of a public hearing to be conducted by the budget committee at which any citizen of the county shall have the right to appear and state such citizen's views on the budget.
(3) Such public hearing shall be held by the budget committee not later than ten (10) days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year.
(b) Following such public hearing, the budget committee shall make the final revision of the budget document and prepare copies for presentation to the county governing body.
[Acts 1957, ch. 291, § 8; 1967, ch. 390, § 1; T.C.A., § 5-1208; Acts 1991, ch. 484, § 5.]