5-21-104. Financial management committee General provisions.
(a) A county financial management committee is hereby created.
(b) (1) The committee shall consist of the county mayor, supervisor of highways, director of schools, and four (4) members elected by the county legislative body at its regular September session of each year or at any subsequent session.
(2) The four (4) members elected by the county legislative body need not be members of such body.
(c) Such committee shall elect its own chair and shall meet from time to time as it may deem necessary for the discharge of its duties as provided in this section.
(d) The director shall be the ex officio secretary of such committee.
(e) (1) The committee shall establish and approve policies, procedures and regulations in addition to the specific provisions of this chapter, for implementing a sound and efficient financial system for administering the funds of the county.
(2) Such system shall include budgeting, accounting, purchasing, payroll, cash management and such other financial matters necessary to an efficient system.
[Acts 1981, ch. 325, § 4; 2003, ch. 90, § 2.]