5-21-111. Budget Hearings Supporting documents County action.
(a) (1) (A) At least ten (10) days before the proposed budget is to be presented to the governing body, the budget committee shall cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation the proposed annual operating budget.
(B) This budget shall contain a budgetary comparison for the following governmental funds:
(i) General;
(ii) Highway/public works;
(iii) General purpose school fund; and
(iv) Debt service
that shall include comparisons of the proposed budget with the current year and the prior year.
(C) The budgetary comparisons shall be by individual fund and shall summarize revenues by local taxes, state of Tennessee, federal government and other sources. Expenditures shall be summarized by salaries and other costs. The budgetary comparison shall also present beginning and ending fund balances and the number of employee positions.
(2) Such publication shall also contain a notice of a public hearing to be conducted by the budget committee at which any citizen of the county upon five (5) days' written request shall have the right to appear and state such citizen's views on the budget.
(b) The budget committee shall present the budget to the county legislative body at the regular July meeting each year or at a special session called for this purpose prior to the regular July meeting.
(c) The proposed budget shall be accompanied by a budget message explaining the financial program and outlining the services, work and activities to be financed by the proposed budget and a brief discussion of the means proposed for financing the expenditure program set forth in the budget.
(d) With the proposed budget, the budget committee shall deliver to the county legislative body a budget appropriation resolution and a tax levy resolution.
(e) (1) The county legislative body may alter or revise the proposed budget except as to provision for debt service requirements and for other expenditures required by law.
(2) The county legislative body shall finally adopt a budget in July.
(f) (1) After the adoption of the budget, any county department, agency or official shall be entitled to a hearing before the county legislative body in order to justify any proposed additional requests or budget estimates.
(2) The director may make quarterly allotments to any department, agency or official seeking a budget hearing in an amount not in excess of that approved in the budget for such quarter.
(3) Upon amendment of the budget, the director shall make a supplemental allotment or impound the funds of any department, agency or official to bring such appropriations in line with the amended budget.
(g) The budget, the appropriation resolution, and the tax levy resolution, as adopted, shall be spread upon the minutes of the county clerk.
[Acts 1981, ch. 325, § 11; 1991, ch. 484, § 7.]