53-11-451. Goods subject to forfeiture Seizure Disposition.
(a) The following are subject to forfeiture:
(1) All controlled substances that have been manufactured, distributed, dispensed or acquired in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4;
(2) All raw materials, products and equipment of any kind that are used, or intended for use, in manufacturing, compounding, processing, delivering, importing or exporting any controlled substance in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4;
(3) All property that is used, or intended for use, as a container for property described in subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2);
(4) All conveyances, including aircraft, vehicles or vessels that are used, or are intended for use, to transport, or in any manner to facilitate the transportation, sale or receipt of property described in subdivision (a)(1) or (a)(2), but:
(A) No conveyance used by any person as a common carrier in the transaction of business as a common carrier is subject to forfeiture under this section, unless it appears that the owner or other person in charge of the conveyance is a consenting party or privy to a violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4;
(B) No conveyance is subject to forfeiture under this section by reason of any act or omission established by the owner of the conveyance to have been committed or omitted without the owner's knowledge or consent;
(C) A conveyance is not subject to forfeiture for a violation of § 39-17-418(a) or (b) or § 39-17-425; and
(D) A forfeiture of a conveyance encumbered by a bona fide security interest is subject to the interest of the secured party if the secured party neither had knowledge of nor consented to the act or omission;
(5) All books, records, and research products and materials, including formulas, microfilm, tapes and data that are used, or intended for use, in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4;
(6) (A) Everything of value furnished, or intended to be furnished, in exchange for a controlled substance in violation of the Tennessee Drug Control Act of 1989, compiled in part 3 of this chapter, this part and title 39, chapter 17, part 4, all proceeds traceable to the exchange, and all moneys, negotiable instruments, and securities used, or intended to be used, to facilitate any violation of the Tennessee Drug Control Act;
(B) No property shall be forfeited under subdivision (a)(6)(A), to the extent of the interest of an owner, by reason of any act or omission established by the owner to have been committed or omitted without the owner's knowledge or consent; and
(7) All drug paraphernalia as defined by § 39-17-402.
(b) Property subject to forfeiture under part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, may be seized by the director of the Tennessee bureau of investigation or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner of safety or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable upon process issued by any circuit or criminal court having jurisdiction over the property. Seizure without process may be made if:
(1) The seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a search warrant or an inspection under an administrative inspection warrant;
(2) The property subject to seizure has been the subject of a prior judgment in favor of the state in a criminal injunction or forfeiture proceeding based upon part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4;
(3) The director or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable has probable cause to believe that the property is directly or indirectly dangerous to health or safety; or
(4) The director or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable has probable cause to believe that the property was used or is intended to be used in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4.
(c) In the event of seizure pursuant to subsection (b), proceedings under subsection (d) shall be instituted promptly.
(d) Property taken or detained under this section shall not be subject to replevin, but is deemed to be in the custody of the director or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable, subject only to the orders and decrees of the circuit or criminal court. When property is seized under parts 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, the seizing authority may:
(1) Place the property under seal;
(2) Remove the property to a place designated by the seizing authority;
(3) Require the director or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable to take custody of the property and remove it to an appropriate location for disposition in accordance with law; or
(4) Regardless of any other method of disposition of property contained in this chapter, use of the property taken or detained, with permission of the court and under the terms and conditions approved by the court, for use in the drug enforcement program of the county in which the goods are seized, or, with approval of the court having jurisdiction over the property, sell the property and utilize the proceeds for the drug enforcement program of the county in which the property was seized, or both;
(A) In the case of property seized by the Tennessee bureau of investigation, the director of the bureau is authorized to designate, in writing, any part of the property for use by the bureau for any period of time, subject to inventory, management and disposition as provided by law;
(B) In the case of an aircraft seized by the bureau, the director is also authorized to designate, in writing, the property for transfer to and use by the department of general services subject to inventory, management and disposition as provided by law. If an aircraft is not sold, but is to be transferred to another state governmental entity, the transfer shall be approved by the commissioner of finance and administration;
(C) The proceeds from any sale conducted under this chapter of forfeited property seized by the bureau and not designated for its use, or not transferred to the department of general services as provided in subdivision (d)(4)(B), shall be paid to the state treasurer to be used only as appropriated by the general assembly.
(e) When property is forfeited under part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, the director or the director's authorized representative, agent or employee, the commissioner of safety or the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable shall remove it for disposition in accordance with law.
(f) Controlled substances listed in Schedule I that are possessed, transferred, sold, or offered for sale in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, are contraband and shall be seized and summarily forfeited to the state. Controlled substances listed in Schedule I that are seized or come into the possession of the state, the owners of which are unknown, are contraband and shall be summarily forfeited to the state.
(g) Species of plants from which controlled substances in Schedules I, II and VI may be derived that have been planted or cultivated in violation of part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, or of which the owners or cultivators are unknown, or that are wild growths, may be seized and summarily forfeited to the state.
(h) The failure, upon demand by the commissioner of safety, the commissioner's authorized representative, agent or employee, or a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal law enforcement officer, campus police officer as defined in § 49-7-118, or constable, of the person in occupancy or in control of land or premises upon which the species of plants are growing or being stored, to produce an appropriate registration, or proof that the person is the holder of appropriate registration, constitutes authority for the seizure and forfeiture of the plants.
(i) Confiscation proceedings under part 3 of this chapter and this part, or title 39, chapter 17, part 4, shall be conducted in accordance with part 2 of this chapter.
(j) Any property of the type set forth in subdivisions (a)(1) and (7) that is in the custody and possession of a clerk of any court of this state by virtue of the property having been held as evidence or exhibits in any criminal prosecution where all appeals or potential appeals of a judgment have ended, or when the case has been dismissed or otherwise brought to a conclusion, shall be disposed of as follows:
(1) The clerk of the court having custody of the property to be disposed of shall, no less than once annually, inventory the property and prepare a list of the property proposed to be destroyed with references to the cases involved and the name of the case, the case number and date when the property was used;
(2) The clerk shall submit the inventory list with a filed petition to the court and shall serve a copy of the petition upon the district attorney general. After determining that the listed property is not needed as evidence in any pending or potential judicial proceeding, the court shall order the property to be destroyed; and
(3) The clerk, or a deputy clerk that the clerk may designate, shall completely destroy each item by cutting, crushing, burning or melting and shall file, together with the petition and order relating to the destroyed property, an affidavit concerning the destruction, showing a description of each item, the method of destruction, the date and place of destruction, and the names and addresses of all witnesses to the destruction.
[Acts 1971, ch. 163, § 36; 1972, ch. 597, § 12; 1973, ch. 134, § 1; 1981, ch. 512, § 2; 1982, ch. 742, § 1; T.C.A., § 52-1443; Acts 1983, ch. 412, § 4; 1984, ch. 1005, § 4; 1986, ch. 783, § 1; 1989, ch. 192, § 1; T.C.A., § 53-11-409; Acts 1994, ch. 925, § 2; 2007, ch. 106, §§ 7-9.]