54-5-1103. Administrative service contracts Bidding lease payments.
(a) (1) Except as provided in this section, the department shall enter into contracts for the administration of specific service signs. The department may, however, carry out the administration of specific service signs to provide continuity of the program in the case of default of an administrative contractor, or in the interim period between administrative contracts, and to fulfill statutory or regulatory changes made to the program during an existing administrative contract where the administrative contractor is unwilling to provide for statutory or regulatory additions to the program under the terms of the existing contract, and other terms that the department deems appropriate.
(2) Contracts for administrative services shall be subject to §§ 12-4-109 12-4-111. Contracts for administrative services include the marketing, management, and maintenance of specific service signs. Any administrative services contract awarded must include provisions requiring an appropriate corporate surety performance bond, security or cash.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed as preventing the commissioner from determining whether provision of administrative services for the entire state should be the basis for bids, or whether the provision of the services for segments of the state should be the basis for bids.
(c) Any contract to perform administrative services pursuant to this part shall provide for lease payments to the department for a system of specific service signs. The lease payments shall fully reimburse the department for the cost of the signs, which shall include the value of funds used by the department to pay for the signs. The cost shall be recovered over a period of not more than ten (10) years. After the cost has been recovered, the department shall continue to charge a lease cost sufficient to recover the maintenance and replacement cost of the signs.
[Acts 1988, ch. 696, §§ 4, 6; 1991, ch. 282, § 2.]