54-5-1402. Right-of-way acquisitions requiring special approval.
Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, proposed payment shall be approved by the commissioner of finance and administration and the comptroller of the treasury:
(1) If the property is proposed for acquisition for right-of-way under the authority of this chapter;
(2) If:
(A) The appraised value of a parcel of land along the right-of-way exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); or
(B) The appraised value of all parcels of land owned by any one (1) person, family or entity along the right-of-way exceeds one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000); and
(3) If the department proposes to pay more than ten percent (10%) above the current appraised value.
[Acts 1999, ch. 288, § 3.]