54-9-117. Nomination and election of road commissioners from districts.
(a) In any county dividing its county into three (3) or more road districts, the road commissioner to be elected from any of the districts shall receive a nomination from any member of the county legislative body within the limits of the road district.
(b) Should there be more than one (1) nomination from any one (1) or more road districts, then the candidate receiving the highest number of votes of the members comprising the whole legislative body shall be declared elected from the road district from which the nomination was received, and shall be one (1) of the road commissioners.
(c) All road commissioners provided for by any county where the county has been subdivided shall be elected in the same manner as provided in this section.
[Acts 1913 (1st E.S.), ch. 26, § 7; Shan., § 1695a18; Code 1932, § 2980; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 7, 36; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 54-819.]