54-9-127. Maximum prices for certain work fixed by county legislative body Prices of contract work left to commissioners.
(a) The price for moving dirt, per cubic yard, the price per yard for the laying of macadam, or the price for moving loose or solid rock from the roadbed shall not in any event exceed the maximum price fixed for the removal of those things by the county legislative body of any county authorizing bonds for that purpose.
(b) The county legislative body has the right to define what is meant by loose rock, and to define what is meant by solid rock.
(c) The county legislative body has the right to provide a maximum amount to be paid for an overhaul, both in the removal of dirt and in the laying of macadam on any road to be built within the county, or the price to be paid for moving dirt, the laying of macadam, clearing rights-of-way, amount to be paid for hands employed on force account, and the price to be paid to the engineers or assistant engineers, the amount per cubic yard of concrete where concrete culverts, concrete bridges, or the price per cubic yard on any kind of concrete work ordered to be placed or used on any road, and the price for any or all contract work may be left to the discretion of the commissioners elected to carry out the work for any county building roads under this chapter, but at all times the county legislative body shall reserve the right to fix a maximum price to be paid for any kind of work when in its judgment it is in the best interest of the county to do so.
[Acts 1913 (1st E.S.), ch. 26, § 8; Shan., § 1695a29; Code 1932, § 2990; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 7, 36; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 54-829.]