55-3-104. Application for certificate of title for specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicles.
(a) In the event a vehicle for which an application for a certificate of title is made is a specially constructed, reconstructed or foreign vehicle, this fact shall be stated in the application and with reference to every foreign vehicle that has been registered outside of this state, the owner shall surrender to the county clerk receiving the application all registration plates, registration cards, certificates of title, and other evidence of foreign registration and ownership as may be in the possession or under the control of the owner.
(b) Any foreign certificate of title shall be accepted as evidence of title by the department to the same extent as a certificate of title issued by the department; provided, that when the foreign vehicle is registered in a jurisdiction that does not have a certificate of title law, the department shall accept only a notarized bill of sale, and proper foreign registration as the evidence of title. If foreign registration is dated less than ninety (90) days prior to application for a certificate of title, there shall be, in addition, the next past bill of sale showing ownership to have been transferred to the party seeking to sell the same, or that party's representative, which bill of sale shall likewise be notarized.
[Acts 1951, ch. 70, § 30 (Williams, § 5538.130); Acts 1957, ch. 390, § 1; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 22, 36; modified; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 59-304; Acts 2007, ch. 484, § 14.]