55-5-127. Junked or salvaged motor vehicles Sale or transfer of certificates of title, identification plates or license plates Penalties.
(a) It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or exchange, offer to sell or exchange, or to give away any certificate of title or manufacturer's identification number plates, serial plates or motor vehicle license plates of any motor vehicle that has been sold as junk or salvage or as a total loss. Every officer, agent or employee of any person, firm or corporation, and every person who authorizes, directs, aids in or consents to the sale or exchange, or offers to sell, exchange or give away the certificate of title or manufacturer's identification number plate, serial plates or motor vehicle license plates, commits a Class E felony.
(b) It is lawful to sell, exchange or give away any motor vehicle license plate that is no longer legally effective and is not used or usable for an illegal purpose.
[Acts 1980, ch. 495, § 1; 1989, ch. 591, § 55.]