56-7-1805. Failure to comply with notice requirements Policy extension When notice of nonrenewal not required.
(a) Unless the insurer, at least sixty (60) days in advance of the end of the policy period, mails or delivers to the named insured and agent at the address shown in the policy, notice of its intention not to renew the commercial risk policy or to condition its renewal on reduction of limits or elimination of coverages, the insurer is required to extend the existing policy sixty (60) days from the date the notice is provided. The premium for the policy provided in those circumstances shall be no more than a pro rata basis of the existing policy. Any commercial risk policy written for a term of less than one (1) year shall be considered as if written for a term of one (1) year. Any commercial risk policy written for a term longer than one (1) year, or any commercial risk policy with no fixed expiration date, shall be considered as if written for specific policy periods or terms of one (1) year.
(b) Notice of nonrenewal is not required if:
(1) The insurer has offered to issue a renewal policy; or
(2) Where the named insured has obtained replacement coverage or has agreed in writing to obtain replacement coverage.
(c) If an insurer provides the notice described in this section, and thereafter the insurer extends the policy for ninety (90) days or less, an additional notice of nonrenewal is not required with respect to the extension.
[Acts 1986, ch. 656, § 5.]