57-2-104. Possession, storage or transportation by manufacturer lawful Rights limited.
It is lawful for the owner and/or operator of such manufacturing plant, as herein provided, to possess, store or transport the products of such manufacturing plant within, over and across the state; provided, that the storing herein provided for shall be within the county authorizing the operation of the manufacture of the intoxicants; and the possession shall be limited to warehouses of such manufacturers in the counties authorizing the same, and while being transported to points outside the state. It is lawful for common carriers to accept for shipment, and to transport the products of such manufacturing plants to points outside of the state, but not to points within the state.
[Acts 1937, ch. 193, § 3; C. Supp. 1950, § 6648.3; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 57-104.]