58-2-501. Emergency severe weather information system.
(a) This part shall be known and cited as the “Tennessee Emergency Severe Weather Information Act.”
(b) The director of the Tennessee emergency management agency may make agreements with the national oceanic and atmospheric administration of the United States department of commerce for the purpose of creating, developing and maintaining a statewide weather radio system for the communication of weather warnings and emergency information to the citizens of Tennessee.
(c) It is the intent of the general assembly that the extent of such agreements and the cost of implementing and operating such weather radio system shall be within the appropriations of the general assembly for such purpose.
[Acts 1977, ch. 157, §§ 1, 2; T.C.A., §§ 7-634, 7-6-201, 58-2-201; Acts 2000, ch. 946, § 2.]