59-11-101. Checkweigher or checkmeasurer Duties Interference prohibited Penalty.
(a) At every coal or other mine in this state, where coal or other minerals are mined by weight or measure, the miners, or a majority of those present at a meeting called for that purpose, shall have the right to employ a competent person as checkweigher or checkmeasurer, as the case may require, who shall be permitted at all times to be present at the weighing or measuring of coal, and who shall have power to weigh or measure the same, and, during the regular working hours, have the privilege to balance and examine the scales or measure the cars; provided, that all such balancing and examination of scales shall only be done in such way and in such time as in no way to interfere with the regular working of the mines; and such person shall not be considered a trespasser during working hours while attending to the interest of such person's employers, and in no manner shall such person be interfered with or intimidated by any person, agent, or owner, or miner.
(b) Any person violating this section is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
[Acts 1887, ch. 206, § 1; Shan., § 339; Code 1932, § 5639; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 58-1601; Acts 1989, ch. 591, § 113.]