6-18-110. Termination of charter New charter.
(a) If a majority of the votes cast in the election provided for in this charter shall favor the termination of such form of government, the provisions of such charter shall terminate at one (1) minute past midnight (12:01) on the sixtieth day following the date of such election unless it falls upon a Sunday, in which case it shall terminate at one (1) minute past midnight (12:01) on the next day. If previous to the adoption of this form of charter such city or town functions under a different charter, then upon termination of this charter such prior charter shall become effective at the time mentioned in subsection (a), and territory previously unincorporated shall revert to that status.
(b) If by law in the case of unincorporated territory another charter may be adopted by vote of the electors, the question as to whether or not such other form of charter shall be adopted may be placed upon the ballot to be used in the election mentioned in this section, if the petition filed requests the same, and if all other necessary legal steps to adopt such other form of charter have been taken prior to the election.
[Acts 1951, ch. 92, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 6-1810.]