6-35-412. Pecuniary interest prohibited.
(a) No officer or employee of the city shall have any financial interest other than the common public interest in the profits of any contract, service, or other work performed for the city; or personally profit directly or indirectly from any contract, purchase, sale, or service between the city and any person or company; or personally as an agent provide any surety, bail, or bond required by law or subject to approval by the council.
(b) No officer or any employee shall accept any free or preferred services, benefits or concessions from any person or company, except that free transportation may be provided for police officers and firefighters on official duty.
(c) Any officer or employee who violates the provisions of this section commits misconduct of office.
[Acts 1957, ch. 238, § 7.33; T.C.A., § 6-3533.]