6-54-901. Reimbursement for expenses incident to holding office.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of any public or private act to the contrary, in all municipalities of the state, any mayor and any member of the local governing body, and any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee of the municipality whose salary is set by charter or general law, may be reimbursed from municipal funds for the actual expense that such municipal officer may incur as an incident to holding such office.
(b) The municipal legislative body shall by ordinance determine whether or not to pay the expenses of the mayor or any member of the local governing body, and any board or committee member elected or appointed by the mayor or local governing body, and any official or employee of the municipality whose salary is set by charter or general law; and, if it is determined that the municipality will reimburse expenses, shall enact a written policy as to how expenses will be reimbursed and determine what expenses are reimbursable.
(c) In such municipality it is the duty of the chief administrative officer or such chief administrative officer's designee to prescribe forms on which expenses will be reported, and it is further made such chief administrative officer's duty to examine such expense report to determine if all expenses so listed as reimbursable are legally reimbursable expenditures within the schedule as determined by the municipal legislative body, and, if such listed expenses are reimbursable, then to forward the expense report to the proper disbursing officer for payment.
[Acts 1993, ch. 433, § 1.]