6-55-301. Purpose.
If any person or corporation required by law to pay privilege taxes to any municipal corporation, or to obtain a license before engaging in same, presumes to sell goods or exercise a privilege without first obtaining a license as required by law, such clerk, recorder, or collecting officer shall issue to the sheriff, city marshal, or any constable a distress warrant, commanding such sheriff, city marshal or constable to levy, in case of a privilege tax, double the highest tax imposed upon any such privilege, and in other cases double the highest tax imposed on any similar business, together with costs and charges, by distraining and selling so much of the delinquent's goods and chattels as shall be sufficient for the purpose.
[Acts 1891, ch. 57, § 1; Shan., § 1918; Code 1932, § 3330; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 6-710.]