6-55-502. Conflicting ordinances invalid Scope of part License tax on nonresidents prohibited.
(a) All ordinances, rules or regulations heretofore passed, enacted or promulgated by any incorporated municipality of the state in conflict with the provisions of § 6-55-501 are declared inoperative and of no effect.
(b) Neither § 6-55-501 nor this section shall prohibit municipalities from maintaining and operating safety lanes, inspection bureaus or stations, or shall abridge their right to require city automobile tags.
(c) No municipality shall require any person who does not reside within the municipality's corporate boundaries to purchase a city automobile tag, or pay any license fee, regulatory fee, inspection fee, safety inspection fee, or any citation or fine for noncompliance with any regulatory, license, or inspection requirement, or tax of whatever nature for the privilege of driving a motor vehicle on the roads, streets or highways of such municipality.
[Acts 1937 (3rd E. S.), ch. 18, § 2; mod. C. Supp. 1950, § 3336.5; Acts 1977, ch. 190, § 1; 1978, ch. 784, § 1; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 6-728.]