6-58-109. Increased allocation of certain funds for counties and municipalities with approved growth plans.
(a) Upon approval of the growth plan by the local government planning advisory committee but beginning no earlier than July 1, 2000, each municipality within the county and the county shall receive an additional five (5) points on a scale of one hundred (100) points or a comparable percentage increase as determined by the commissioner of economic and community development in any evaluation formula for the allocation of private activity bond authority and for the distribution of grants from the department of economic and community development for the:
(1) Tennessee industrial infrastructure program;
(2) Industrial training service program; and
(3) Community development block grants.
(b) Upon approval of the growth plan by the local government planning advisory committee but beginning no earlier than July 1, 2000, each municipality within the county and the county shall receive an additional five (5) points on a scale of one hundred (100) points or a comparable percentage increase as determined by the commissioner if permissible under federal requirements in any evaluation formula for the distribution of grants from the department of environment and conservation for state revolving fund loans for water and sewer systems; provided, that no such preferences shall be granted if prohibited by federal law or regulation.
(c) Upon approval of the growth plan by the local government planning advisory committee but beginning no earlier than July 1, 2000, each municipality within the county and the county shall receive an additional five (5) points on a scale of one hundred (100) points or a comparable percentage increase as determined by the executive director in any evaluation formula for the distribution of HOUSE or HOME grants from the Tennessee housing development authority or low income tax credits or private activity bond authority; provided, that no such preferences shall be granted if prohibited by federal law or regulation.
[Acts 1998, ch. 1101, § 10.]