62-3-124. Instructors Certificates of registration Continuing education.
(a) The board shall issue a certificate of registration as a barber instructor to a person who:
(1) Files an application with the board in the form that the board may prescribe, accompanied by the examination fee required by § 62-3-129;
(2) Holds a valid certificate of registration as a master barber and has been duly registered as a master barber for a period of at least three (3) years;
(3) Has completed the twelfth grade in an accredited school or the equivalent;
(4) Successfully completes an examination prescribed by the board of barber examiners;
(5) Files an application with the board in a form prescribed by the board, accompanied by the examination fee required by § 62-3-129;
(6) Holds a valid certificate of registration as a master barber and has completed a four hundred fifty-hour instructor training program at a board-certified barber school;
(7) Has successfully completed the twelfth grade in an accredited school or the equivalent; and
(8) Successfully completes an examination prescribed by the board.
(b) After registration, each barber instructor shall biennially submit to the board satisfactory proof of attendance in a barber instructor training program of at least sixteen (16) hours' duration, approved by the board; however, the board may, in its discretion, grant up to one (1) additional year for submission of such proof when an instructor satisfactorily demonstrates a medical hardship, a death in the immediate family or entitlement to automatic renewal of registration under § 62-3-120.
(c) A certificate of registration as a barber instructor shall become invalid if the registrant:
(1) Ceases to hold a valid certificate of registration as a master barber; or
(2) Fails to comply with subsection (b).
(d) (1) The board shall issue a certificate of registration as a barber instructor assistant to a person who:
(A) Files an application with the board in the form that the board may prescribe accompanied by the fee required by § 62-3-129;
(B) Holds a valid certificate of registration as a master barber and is currently enrolled in a four hundred fifty-hour instructor training program at a board-certified barber school; and
(C) Has completed the tenth grade in an accredited school or the equivalent.
(2) A barber instructor assistant shall not be employed as such for more than three (3) years.
(3) All certificates or renewals of certificates shall expire on September 1 and shall become invalid thereafter.
[Acts 1951, ch. 231, § 3 (Williams, § 7123); Acts 1965, ch. 267, § 5; 1967, ch. 177, § 1; 1967, ch. 249, § 6; impl. am. Acts 1971, ch. 161, § 3; Acts 1980, ch. 703, § 3; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 62-327; Acts 1982, ch. 870, § 10; 1984, ch. 547, § 1; 1986, ch. 921, §§ 20, 21; 1990, ch. 963, § 3; 1996, ch. 895, §§ 10, 11; 2001, ch. 99, § 3.]