62-4-125. Health and safety rules and regulations.
(a) The board shall, with the approval of the department of health, promulgate rules of sanitation that it may deem reasonably necessary, with particular attention to the precautions for preventing the development and spread of infections and contagious diseases.
(b) Each school and shop shall have:
(1) Adequate restroom facilities, except when located in a commercial building where such facilities are already provided; and
(2) Separate entrances from entrances to adjoining residential or living quarters, if any.
(c) Where a school and a shop are operated in the same building, there shall be separate entrances and exits and separate restroom facilities for each business.
(d) It is unlawful:
(1) For the owner or manager of any school or shop to permit any person to sleep in or use for residential purposes any room used wholly or partially as a school or shop; and
(2) For any person, firm or corporation that holds a cosmetology, manicurist or aesthetician license to practice cosmetology outside a shop or school, or for any person, firm or corporation that holds a natural hair styling license to practice natural hair styling outside a shop or school, except:
(A) In any nursing home;
(B) In the residence of the person treated when the person is actually ill;
(C) In any hospital or infirmary;
(D) In a funeral establishment;
(E) In a retail establishment, to demonstrate or apply, or both, cosmetics without charge; or
(F) At the site of television, motion picture, video or theatrical productions, photographic sessions or similar activities.
[Acts 1986, ch. 817, § 25; 1988, ch. 902, § 14; 1990, ch. 1026, § 12; 1996, ch. 897, § 26.]