62-5-303. Licensing requirement.
(a) (1) In order to safeguard life and health and to prevent the spread of contagious diseases and to improve sanitary conditions and public health generally, it is required that only properly qualified persons shall engage in funeral directing, embalming and operating of a funeral establishment.
(2) Any person engaged in funeral directing, embalming and operating of a funeral establishment in this state shall be licensed by the board created in part 2 of this chapter prior to engaging in funeral directing, embalming and operating of a funeral establishment.
(b) It is unlawful for any person to engage in, or offer to engage in, either funeral directing, embalming or operation of a funeral establishment unless the person or business has been duly licensed under this chapter.
[Acts 1951, ch. 13, § 1 (Williams, § 7140.1); Acts 1968, ch. 542, § 2; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 62-510.]