62-5-306. Examination for funeral directors Issuance of license.
(a) In addition to the qualifications listed in § 62-5-305, every person desiring to enter into the practice of funeral directing, except as otherwise provided in this chapter, shall pass an examination to determine the applicant's knowledge and fitness for the practice of funeral directing as required by this chapter.
(b) The board shall determine the subjects of examination and their scope, content and character, which in any examination shall be the same for all applicants. Examinations shall be held no less than twice each year, and the board shall give thirty (30) days' notice in advance of the time and place of the examinations.
(c) If the board finds upon examination that the applicant has a reasonable knowledge of sanitation and disinfection of premises, clothing, bedding and other articles subject to contagion and infection, has a reasonable knowledge of the sanitation and disinfection of bodies of diseased persons where death was caused by infectious diseases or communicable diseases, has all the requirements and qualifications stated in this chapter and has complied with all the rules and regulations of the board applying to funeral directors, the board shall, upon receipt of a fee as set by the board, issue to the applicant a license to practice funeral directing.
(d) The current license of each funeral director shall be available for inspection in the office of the funeral establishment in which the funeral director works. If a funeral director works in more than one (1) establishment, the funeral director shall obtain from the board, for a fee established by the board, the number of duplicate licenses necessary to have a license available for inspection at each establishment at which the funeral director works.
[Acts 1951, ch. 13, § 9 (Williams, § 7140.9); T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 62-513; Acts 1985, ch. 354, § 8; 1989, ch. 523, § 151; 1991, ch. 523, § 1; 2001, ch. 188, §§ 3, 9, 15.]