65-36-102. Chapter definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Electric cooperative means an electric cooperative or electric membership corporation, whether organized or operating under the provisions of chapter 25 of this title or similar statutes of any other state, which, as of June 19, 1997, distributes electric power purchased from the Tennessee Valley authority; and
(2) Municipal utility and municipal electric utility means any governmental entity as defined in § 29-20-102, having a system for the distribution of electricity, whether operated under the authority of a board of the governmental entity, a department of the governmental entity or under the authority of a board created pursuant to the provisions of the Tennessee Municipal Electric Plant Law, compiled in title 7, chapter 52, or by the authority of any other public or private act of the general assembly or pursuant to the charter of a municipality, and that operates an electric generation or distribution system which, as of June 19, 1997, distributes electricity purchased from the Tennessee Valley authority and also includes any municipality, county or other political subdivision of another state, whether operated under a board or as a county or municipal department, which, as of June 19, 1997, distributes electricity purchased from the Tennessee Valley authority.
[Acts 1997, ch. 520, § 2.]