66-5-203. Delivery of disclosure or disclaimer statement.
(a) The owner of residential real property subject to this part shall deliver to the purchaser the written disclosure or disclaimer statement, if agreed upon by the purchaser required by this part prior to the acceptance of a real estate purchase contract. For purposes of this part, a real estate purchase contract means a contract for the sale, exchange or lease with option to buy of real estate subject to this part, and acceptance means the full execution of a real estate purchase contract by all parties. The residential property disclaimer statement or residential property disclosure statement may be included in the real estate purchase contract, in an addendum to the contract, or in a separate document.
(b) Failure to provide the disclosure or disclaimer statement required by this part shall not permit a purchaser to terminate a real estate purchase contract; however, a purchaser shall not be restricted by this part from bringing such other actions at law or in equity that are otherwise permitted.
[Acts 1994, ch. 828, § 3.]