68-102-144. Fire marshal and deputies authorized to investigate and report destruction of property by explosives.
The state fire marshal and the marshal's deputies are authorized to investigate the destruction or attempt to destroy any property within the state by the use of dynamite or any other explosive, and the fire marshal and the fire marshal's deputies have full power to issue subpoenas and compel witnesses to appear before the marshal or deputies and testify with reference to the destruction of any such property or the attempt to do so in the same manner and form as the officials are now authorized by law to investigate and subpoena witnesses where the crime of arson has been committed within the state, and shall report their findings to the district attorney general in whose district any property has been destroyed or damaged or attempt made to do so.
[Acts 1939, ch. 38, § 4; C. Supp. 1950, § 10895.4 (Williams, § 10919.4); T.C.A. (orig. ed.), §§ 53-2443, 68-17-144; Acts 1996, ch. 675, § 72.]