68-11-1404. Disclosure of Alzheimer's disease treatment Form.
(a) Any entity, facility, program or any instrumentality of the state or political subdivision of the state that advertises, markets or offers to provide specialized care, treatment or therapeutic activities for one (1) or more persons with a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's related dementia shall disclose the form of care, treatment or therapeutic activities provided beyond that care, treatment or therapeutic activities provided to persons who do not have a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's related dementia. However, any facility licensed under the provisions of title 68, chapter 11, part 2, that is engaged in the treatment of the elderly shall not be required to comply with the disclosure requirements of this part merely because the facility provides specialized care, treatment or therapeutic activities for one (1) or more persons with a probable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's related dementia, unless such facility advertises or markets that it does so provide such specialized care, treatment or therapeutic activities for such persons. However, if such a facility does in fact provide specialized care, treatment or therapeutic activities for a patient having such a diagnosis or dementia beyond that care, treatment, or therapeutic activities provided to persons who do not have such a diagnosis or dementia, and if an immediate family member of such patient requests information relative to such specialized care, treatment or therapeutic activities, then the facility shall disclose such information to the requesting family member. The facility may, but is not required to, use the disclosure form developed by the department pursuant to subsection (c). If this form is not used, the information shall be provided in a manner to address the questions and concerns of the requesting family member.
(b) The disclosure shall be made in writing on the disclosure form required by subsection (c) and shall be provided to any person seeking information concerning placement in or care, treatment or therapeutic activities from an entity, facility, program or the instrumentality of the state or of a political subdivision of the state.
(c) With input from persons and organizations with experience or expertise regarding care, treatment or therapeutic activities for persons who have Alzheimer's disease or Alzheimer's related dementia, the department shall develop a standard disclosure form. The disclosure shall be made on such form. The entity, facility, program or the instrumentality of the state or a political subdivision of the state shall revise the disclosure form whenever significant changes are made.
[Acts 1996, ch. 786, § 5.]