68-131-402. Certification program for lead abatement professionals.
(a) The department of environment and conservation shall establish a certification program for lead abatement professionals.
(b) The program shall:
(1) Certify all individuals involved in lead-based paint abatement activities;
(2) Accredit training providers;
(3) Establish standards for such program;
(4) Insure compliance with regulations;
(5) Enforce the certification program;
(6) Revise regulations and procedures when necessary; and
(7) Establish reciprocity provisions with other state certification programs.
(c) The program shall conform to certification standards promulgated by the environmental protection agency for such programs, but shall not be more stringent than those standards. Furthermore, it is the intent of the general assembly that in this program the department shall only establish a certification program, and not provide the training for either the trainers or the lead-based paint professionals.
(d) The commissioner shall establish a program for the education of owners and occupants of target housing and child-occupied facilities concerning lead-based paint hazards. This program shall require persons who perform renovation in such facilities for compensation to provide owners and occupants with a lead hazard information pamphlet prior to commencing the renovation. The program shall meet the requirements of the federal program under 15 U.S.C. § 2681 et seq.
[Acts 1997, ch. 216, § 2; 2001, ch. 127, § 1.]