68-211-1016. Prohibited acts Penalty.
(a) Other than as provided for in a state or federal discharge permit, no person shall:
(1) Discharge used oil into sewers, drainage systems, septic tanks, surface waters, groundwaters, water courses or marine waters;
(2) Collect, store, recycle, use or dispose of used oil in any manner which endangers the public health or welfare;
(3) Mix or comingle used oil with hazardous waste or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) that make it unsuitable for recycling or beneficial use; or
(4) Utilize used oil for road oiling, dust control, weed abatement or similar uses which have the potential to cause harm to the environment.
(b) Any person who:
(1) Fails to comply with any provision of this part or any rule adopted pursuant to this part;
(2) Fails to file any reports, records or documents required pursuant to this part;
(3) Fails, neglects, or refuses to comply with any order issued pursuant to this part; or
(4) Knowingly gives or causes to be given any false information in any reports, records, or documents required pursuant to this part;
commits a Class C misdemeanor. Each day such violation continues constitutes a separate offense.
[Acts 1993, ch. 185, § 17.]