68-211-501. Definitions.
As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Construction means the erection, building, acquisition, alteration, reconstruction, improvement, or extension of energy recovery and/or energy recovery facilities, the engineering, architectural designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, procedures, and other action necessary in the construction of such facilities, and the inspection and supervision of the construction of such facilities;
(2) Energy recovery facility means a facility for the recovery of energy or energy producing materials from the controlled processing of solid waste and the production of energy from such solid waste and other materials, including coal, for a heating and cooling system and/or for the production of electricity and process steam;
(3) Municipal corporation or municipality means any county, incorporated town or city, metropolitan government, or special district of this state, empowered to provide solid waste disposal services, or any not-for-profit corporation authorized by the laws of Tennessee to act for the benefit or on behalf of any one (1) or more of such local governments; provided, that the jurisdiction, control and management of any facility as authorized herein may be delegated by the municipality to any of its appropriate agencies or divisions;
(4) Resource recovery facility means a facility for the systematic separation and recovery of recyclable materials from solid waste and a processing of solid waste, sewage sludge, and other solids for fuel mixtures or fuel supplements; and
(5) Solid waste means garbage, refuse, including, without limitations, recyclable materials when they become discarded, and other discarded solid waste materials, including waste materials of a solid nature resulting from industrial, commercial, and agricultural operations, and from community activities.
[Acts 1974, ch. 787, § 1; 1975, ch. 158, § 1; T.C.A., § 53-4338; Acts 1983, ch. 226, § 5; 1987, ch. 250, § 10; T.C.A., § 68-31-501.]