68-211-811. Municipal solid waste planning district District needs assessment.
(a) The counties within each development district, as established pursuant to title 13, chapter 14, including all municipalities therein, shall constitute a municipal solid waste planning district. Each district shall submit a district needs assessment for all of the counties within the district to the department of environment and conservation by September 30, 1992. The needs assessment for the municipal solid waste planning district shall be conducted by the staff of the development district. Such staff shall coordinate and maintain the plan. The needs assessment shall be revised to reflect subsequent developments in the district by April 1, 1999, and every five (5) years thereafter.
(b) In conjunction with the commissioner, each development district shall sponsor a district-wide meeting to deliver the findings of the district needs assessment to the citizens of the district.
(c) The district needs assessment will identify rational waste disposal areas within the district and include at least the following information:
(1) Demographic information and projections for a ten-year planning period;
(2) An analysis of economic activity within the district;
(3) Characterization of the solid waste stream;
(4) Projections of solid waste generation for the ten-year planning period;
(5) Evaluation of the collection systems for every municipality and county within the district;
(6) Evaluation of existing solid waste capacity and management facilities within the district and evaluation of any planned new or expanded facilities;
(7) A statement of district goals that are consistent with the state plan;
(8) An analysis of existing or potential waste flows within the district and between adjacent districts;
(9) A comparison of projected demands from waste generation and importation of waste with available and projected capacity and an identification of potential shortfalls in capacity; and
(10) Any additional information as the commissioner may require.
[Acts 1991, ch. 451, § 10; T.C.A., § 68-31-811; Acts 1995, ch. 501, § 3; 1996, ch. 846, § 9.]