68-211-832. Grants for investigation and corrective action at landfills causing contamination of ground water.
(a) From funds available in the solid waste management fund, the department may award a grant or grants to any county or municipality that operated a Class I landfill permitted by the department that is now closed and does not have a composite liner system in place, if the department determines that the landfill is causing harm to health or the environment through contamination of ground water.
(b) The grant shall be used by the county or municipality for the purpose of investigation or corrective action at the landfill. The amount of the grant shall be set at an amount sufficient to reimburse a county or municipality for not more than fifty percent (50%) of the total cost of investigation and corrective action of the ground water contamination as of the date of application for the grant.
(c) The solid waste disposal control board may promulgate rules it deems necessary or appropriate to effectuate this grant program.
[Acts 2007, ch. 462, § 10.]