68-214-102. Objectives of project.
(a) The environmental engineering project will provide for the application of scientific, technical and engineering principles and practices to the opportunities and problems associated with maintaining and improving Tennessee's environmental quality and the health and well being of the state's citizens.
(b) The principal objectives of the environmental engineering project are to:
(1) Maintain and make available a comprehensive pool of technical resource personnel with competency in the many aspects of environmental problems to advise and assist, upon request, the department of environment and conservation with regard to the need, implementation, efficiency, and economic consequences of laws and regulations relative to the quality of the air, water and land environments and to land utilization;
(2) Provide consultation and engineering analysis, design and/or research services, upon request, to those agencies of the state having responsible cognizance of environmental quality, pollution monitoring and environmental quality regulation enforcement;
(3) Establish a technical advisory service for industries and municipalities to advise and assist, in coordination with state regulatory agencies, in the technical problems arising from the compliance with environmental quality control regulations and from self-initiated pollution abatement programs; and
(4) Develop and coordinate educational engineering programs for in-service training of technical, professional and managerial personnel needed for the control and improvement of the environment.
[Acts 1972, ch. 851, § 2; T.C.A., §§ 53-4902, 68-37-102.]