7-82-701. Created Authority Composition Terms Chair.
(a) There is hereby created in the office of comptroller of the treasury a utility management review board for the purpose of advising utility district boards of commissioners in the area of utility management. Effective July 1, 1989, notwithstanding the provisions of any law to the contrary, the utility management review board created by this section is vested with authority over all utility districts established pursuant to this chapter or by any public or private act. For purposes of this part, “utility district” includes agencies, authorities or instrumentalities of government created by public or private act having the authority to administer a water or wastewater facility, other than those agencies, authorities or instrumentalities of government electing pursuant to § 68-221-1006(a) or § 68-221-1206(a) to come under the jurisdiction of the water and waste water financing board.
(b) The board shall be composed of nine (9) members as follows:
(1) The commissioner of environment and conservation or the commissioner's designee;
(2) The comptroller of the treasury or the comptroller's designee; and
(3) Seven (7) members appointed by the governor, three (3) of whom shall be experienced utility district managers, three (3) of whom shall be experienced utility district commissioners and one (1) of whom shall be a consumer residing in the state who may have experience in residential development but is not engaged in utility district management or operation. The consumer member shall be appointed for a four-year term of office at the expiration of the term of office of a utility district manager first occurring after June 11, 2009.
(c) The governor shall consult with the Tennessee association of utility districts as to qualified individuals to be appointed to the board.
(d) Members shall be appointed to four-year terms; provided, that the initial appointments shall be for terms, not to exceed four (4) years, as shall be necessary so that the terms of no more than two (2) members of the board shall end in any one (1) year.
(e) Every two (2) years the board shall elect a chair from among its members and such other officers as it may deem necessary.
[Acts 1987, ch. 422, § 10; 1989, ch. 400, §§ 1, 2; 1994, ch. 918, § 1; 2002, ch. 603, § 11; 2007, ch. 86, § 1; 2009, ch. 423, § 2.]