7-84-615. Hearing on creation of district Adoption of ordinance.
(a) At the time and place thus appointed, the governing body shall meet, and at such meeting, or at the time and place to which the meeting may be adjourned from time to time, all persons whose property may be affected by such improvement or improvements may appear in person, by attorney or by petition and protest against the creation of such inner-city redevelopment district; and the governing body shall consider such objections and protests, if any, and may change the district boundaries or modify the proposal in such manner as may be deemed advisable by the governing body. At the conclusion of such public hearing, the governing body shall adopt, adopt as amended or reject the organization of such inner-city redevelopment district by the adoption or rejection of an ordinance setting out the district. In all such municipalities requiring two (2) or more readings before passage of an ordinance, all readings shall have been held prior to the public hearing, except the final such reading, so that the adoption may take place at the conclusion of such public hearing.
(b) Any person who fails to file a protest, or who fails to appear at the public hearing or protest, or, having filed, withdraws such protest, shall be deemed to have waived any objection to the creation of the district, the making of the improvements and the inclusion of such person's property in the district.
(c) An inner-city redevelopment district may only be established by ordinance passed by a majority vote of the members of the governing body present and voting upon conclusion of the public hearing procedure as set forth in this part.
[Acts 2003, ch. 195, § 1.]