71-3-153. Part definitions.
(a) As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) Assistance means, unless otherwise required by the context, temporary assistance;
(2) Caretaker relative means the father, mother, grandfather or grandmother of any degree, brother or sister of the whole or half-blood, stepfather, stepmother, stepbrother, stepsister, aunt or uncle of any degree, first cousin, nephew or niece, the relatives by adoption within the previously named classes of persons, and the biological relatives within the previous degrees of relationship, and the legal spouses of persons within the previously named classes of persons, even if the marriage has been terminated by death or divorce, with whom a child is living;
(3) Child or children means:
(A) A person or persons under eighteen (18) years of age; or
(B) A person who has not attained nineteen (19) years of age and who is a full-time student in a secondary school or the equivalent and who is expected to graduate by the nineteenth birthday;
(4) Department means the department of human services;
(5) Dependent child means, except as otherwise stated in §§ 71-3-151 71-3-165, a child living with a caretaker relative if the child is deprived of parental support due to death of a parent, continued absence of a parent from the home, physical or mental incapacity of a parent, or unemployment or underemployment of either or both parents and if the child's legally responsible relatives are not able to provide adequate care and support of such child without temporary assistance;
(6) Family means the eligible unit of children and parent or parents or caretaker relative or relatives residing in a common residence; and
(7) Temporary assistance means the program to provide economic support and other support services to families that is provided by the state utilizing funds made available by congress and the secretary of health and human services to the state pursuant to the Social Security Act, and any state funds that may be appropriated by the general assembly designated to support the temporary assistance program. If at any time, federal funds are not available to provide the continuation of the temporary assistance program, the state shall not be obligated to continue the program by using only state funds.
(b) It is the intent of the general assembly that any welfare program administered by the state shall be in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000d et seq., and regulations promulgated pursuant to that act, and all other applicable federal civil rights legislation.
[Acts 1996, ch. 950, § 4.]