71-3-157. Administration and organization Rulemaking Notice Cooperation and review of rules by state entities.
(a) The department shall administer the families first program established by §§ 71-3-151 71-3-165.
(b) The commissioner has the authority to organize the department in any manner necessary as permitted by law, to establish any necessary county or district or regional offices and to appoint area and district managers and directors in those offices or in the department's state office, and to establish any necessary internal policies and procedures for the proper administration of the families first program and for the provision of temporary assistance, child support, jobs programs and other related support services.
(c) (1) [Deleted by 2009 amendment.]
(2) [Deleted by 2009 amendment.]
(3) [Deleted by 2009 amendment.]
(4) [Deleted by 2009 amendment.]
(5) From time to time, the commissioner may appoint committees composed of representatives from the public or private sectors, or both, for such purpose and duration as may be deemed appropriate or required. Members of such committees shall be reimbursed for their actual expenses for attending meetings of their respective committees. All reimbursement for travel expenses shall be in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive travel regulations as promulgated by the department of finance and administration and approved by the attorney general and reporter.
(d) The department shall administer the program of economic assistance to families under Titles IV-A, IV-D and IV-F of the Social Security Act or related federal laws or regulations as they may continue to exist pursuant to federal statutes and regulations on or after September 1, 1996, and as such program statutes and regulations may be amended, or pursuant to any waivers that are granted by the federal government from those regulations as a result of the enactment of this legislation.
(e) Acting in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled in title 4, chapter 5, the department shall have rulemaking authority to establish any necessary rules for the administration of this part and shall have rulemaking authority to establish any rules to carry out the requirements of any title or part of any title that the department administers and that are necessary to immediately implement the provisions of this part to effect any federal legislative changes.
(f) The department shall establish by rule the procedures for provision of notice of the eligibility determination to the applicant or recipient as well as the grievance and appeal procedures that are applicable to meet due process. It is the intent of this section that grievance and appeals procedures available pursuant to §§ 71-3-151 71-3-165, and of chapter 5, part 12 of this title shall not be more narrow than such procedures available to recipients of assistance upon August 31, 1996. The department shall also establish by rule, administrative procedures through which a recipient shall be granted an extension of temporary assistance, beyond the maximum eighteen-month period and the maximum sixty-month period set forth in § 71-3-154(d), for good cause or based upon the failure of the state to timely provide essential child care, transportation, education or job training services prescribed within the recipient's personal responsibility plan.
(g) All other agencies of the state shall cooperate with the department in any manner necessary for the administration of this part.
(h) Each governmental entity of the state, directly affected by any permanent rule promulgated by the department of human services to implement the provisions of §§ 71-3-151 71-3-165 and of chapter 5, part 12 of this title, shall review such permanent rule not later than fourteen (14) calendar days after the rule is filed with the secretary of state. Prior to such deadline, the affected governmental entity shall submit written comments to the secretary of state for filing with the applicable rule and for distribution to the chair of the government operations committee of the senate and to the chair of the government operations committee of the house of representatives. Such written comments shall include, but not be limited to, a description of the impact of such permanent rule upon the existing rules, policies or procedures of the affected governmental entity.
(i) The commissioner of human services shall develop a written plan or statement providing for interagency coordination of services provided under §§ 71-3-151 71-3-165 and chapter 5, part 12 of this title, which shall include services provided by the departments of human services, education, labor and workforce development, and transportation.
[Acts 1996, ch. 950, § 8; 1999, ch. 520, § 47; 2000, ch. 981, § 68; 2009, ch. 103, § 2.]