71-3-510. Board of review Composition.
(a) (1) A child care agency licensing board of review shall review:
(A) Actions initiated by the departments of human services and children's services to deny or revoke or to otherwise limit any license except for summary suspension of, or probation involving, a license;
(B) Actions to review any civil penalties imposed by the department of human services; or
(C) Any safety plan implemented by the department of human services that will be, or has been in effect ninety (90) days or more.
(2) In reviewing any licensing action pursuant to this part or pursuant to title 37, chapter 5, part 5, the board of review shall consist of nine (9) persons. Five (5) members of the board shall include the commissioners of health and education or their designees, the executive director of the commission on children and youth or designee, and a member from one (1) current or previous standards committee from the departments of human services and children's services. Four (4) persons shall be selected from a pool of up to twelve (12) representatives at-large to be selected by the five (5) stated board members, as follows:
(A) Four (4) shall be selected to serve for one (1) year;
(B) Four (4) shall be selected to serve for two (2) years; and
(C) Four (4) shall be selected to serve for three (3) years.
Thereafter, each at-large representative shall be selected to serve for terms of three (3) years or until such representative's successor is selected.
(b) A quorum of the board shall consist of five (5) persons.
(c) In establishing a quorum for the board to conduct its review of the licensing actions of the departments, the chair shall randomly select the names of the at-large members of the board for the board's current licensing review action from the pool of twelve (12) persons selected pursuant to subsection (a) until the nine-member composition is reached or, if that is not possible, until a quorum is reached.
(d) The commissioner of education or the commissioner's designee shall serve as the chair of the board until a chair is selected by the board. The board shall elect a vice chair who shall serve in the absence of the chair. If the chair resigns, is unable to perform the duties of the chair or is removed, or the chair's term on the board expires, the commissioner of education shall appoint a new chair until the board can elect a chair. The vice chair shall have authority to sign all orders of the board in the absence of the chair and for actions of the panels under subsection (f).
(e) The recording secretary for the board shall be a member of the professional staff of the department of human services based upon an inter-agency agreement for the services of the recording secretary as the commissioners of children's services and human services may deem appropriate, and any person selected by the agreement of the departments shall serve as recording secretary for the board. The recording secretary shall be responsible for scheduling the board's meetings and arranging for the facilities to conduct the hearings of the board for both departments and such other duties as may be necessary to accommodate the business of the board. The recording secretary shall serve without additional compensation from the department.
(f) In order to complete the work of the board, the chair may appoint one (1) or more panels of the board with a quorum of five (5) members, at least two (2) of whom shall be randomly selected at-large members selected by the chair. The chair of the board shall appoint the chair of the panel. The panel shall have complete authority to hear any case under the board's jurisdiction and shall have complete authority to enter any necessary orders concerning licensing actions conducted before the board of review. Any orders of the panel shall be signed by the chair of the panel, or by the board chair or vice chair.
(g) Any necessary regulations governing the board's procedure shall be promulgated by the department of human services, in consultation with the department of children's services, in accordance with the provisions of the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act, compiled at title 4, chapter 5, part 2.
(h) Any applicant or licensee may petition the chancery court of Davidson County pursuant to § 4-5-322 for judicial review of the board's decision.
(i) (1) All members of the review board shall serve without pay.
(2) The four (4) members at-large who are selected to serve on the board and the members from the standards committees of the departments shall receive reimbursement in conformity with law and regulations for their expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties pursuant to the provisions of this part. Such expenses for the representatives from the standards committees from the respective department shall be paid from the funds appropriated to the departments.
(3) The expenses for the at-large members shall be shared equally by the departments of children's services and human services.
(4) All reimbursement for travel expenses shall be in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive state travel regulations applicable to state employees.
[Acts 2000, ch. 981, § 11; 2001, ch. 453, §§ 20-22.]