71-4-1203. Eligibility.
An individual is eligible for a personal care assistance services subsidy under this part if such individual:
(1) Is eighteen (18) years of age or older;
(2) Has a severe physical disability;
(3) Is receiving or has received vocational rehabilitation services from the division;
(4) Is employed or ready for employment;
(5) Has a need documented under § 71-4-1205 for not less than fourteen (14) hours a week of personal care assistance service provided by a person other than a family member, which services are necessary to enable the individual to be employed;
(6) Is not otherwise eligible for personal care assistance services under other state or federal programs;
(7) Agrees to a periodic reevaluation of such individual's need for personal care assistance services and of the extent of that need;
(8) Has no or insufficient personal income or other support from public services, family members or neighbors;
(9) Agrees to recruit, hire, fire, and supervise the person who provides personal care assistance services to such individual; and
(10) Qualifies under § 71-4-1206.
[Acts 1986, ch. 905, § 5; T.C.A., § 14-16-203.]