71-4-1209. Program evaluation audit.
(a) The comptroller of the treasury shall perform a program evaluation audit on the personal care assistance services and report to the appropriate standing committees of the general assembly not later than three (3) years after July 1, 1986.
(b) In addition to the contents required by title 4, chapter 29, the audit shall also include:
(1) A determination as to the extent to which aid and services provided under this part remove disincentives to employment now embodied in federal law and thereby encourage severely physically disabled persons eligible for subsidy under this part to secure employment suited to their disability;
(2) A determination of the numbers and types of severely physically disabled persons in need of the subsidy provided under this part, including analysis of factors constituting that need; and
(3) An assessment of the administration and delivery of that aid and those services and the cost effectiveness, advantages, disadvantages, problems and issues related to that administration and delivery.
[Acts 1986, ch. 905, § 10; T.C.A., § 14-16-209.]