71-5-2520. Collections of penalties, fees and costs.
(a) All funds collected as civil penalties, attorney's fees, costs, or costs of investigation by the inspector general, pursuant to this part or part 26, shall be deposited by the state treasurer in a separate account exclusively for the use of that office to defray the expenses of continued operations involving recipient fraud and abuse, including, but not limited to, data mining, litigation, criminal investigation and prosecution, civil and administrative recovery, undercover operations involving recipient fraud, and training and equipment for employees; provided, that no part of the funds shall be used to supplement salaries of any public employee or law enforcement officer.
(b) Funds collected pursuant to §§ 71-5-2513 71-5-2521 may not supplant other state funds or appropriations. Any fund balance remaining unexpended at the end of a fiscal year in the account shall be carried forward into the subsequent fiscal year. No part of the fund shall be diverted to the general fund or any other public fund.
[Acts 2006, ch. 1010, § 1.]