8-44-111. Open meetings Development of educational program required Materials.
(a) The municipal technical advisory service (MTAS) for municipalities and the county technical assistance service (CTAS) for counties, in order to provide guidance and direction, shall develop a program for educating their respective public officials about the open meetings laws codified in this chapter, and how to remain in compliance with such laws.
(b) The Tennessee school board association shall develop a program for educating elected school board members about the open meetings laws and how to remain in compliance with such laws.
(c) The utility management review board shall develop a program for board members of water, wastewater and gas authorities created by private act or under the general law and of utility districts, in order to educate the board members about the open meetings laws and how to remain in compliance with such laws.
(d) The state emergency communications board created by § 7-86-302 shall develop a program for educating emergency communications district board members about the open meetings laws and how to remain in compliance with such laws.
(e) The office of open records counsel established in title 8, chapter 4, part 6 shall establish educational programs and materials regarding open meetings laws in this state, to be made available to the public and to public officials.
[Acts 2008, ch. 1179, § 5.]