9-2-105. Furnishing receipt books.
It is the duty of the chief administrative officer of the municipality to procure such receipt books for municipal officials, it is the duty of the county executive to procure such receipt books for county officials, and it is the duty of the department head of the state agency to procure the same for state officials. The state or county official issuing receipts hereunder shall preserve such official's copy of such receipt book until the same has been audited as provided by law, after which time such official may make such disposition thereof as deemed advisable, unless otherwise directed by the comptroller of the treasury. The cost of printing the receipt books by the county or municipal officials shall be paid in the same manner now provided for the payment for other office supplies. The cost of receipt books used in state offices shall be paid in the same manner as now provided for the payment for other state office supplies.
[Acts 1947, ch. 224, § 2; C. Supp. 1950, § 1902.2; impl. am. Acts 1978, ch. 934, §§ 16, 36; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 9-205; Acts 1995, ch. 70, §§ 2-5.]