9-21-1101. Authorization, security, and retirement of health care revenue anticipation notes.
The governing body of a local government operating a nursing home is authorized to issue health care revenue anticipation notes under this part and part 1 of this chapter for the purpose of providing funds to be transferred to the state pursuant to an approved intergovernmental transfer agreement between the state and the local government. The principal amount of the notes shall not exceed an amount as determined by the commissioner of finance and administration, as specified in the intergovernmental transfer agreement. The sale of the notes shall first be approved by the state director of local finance. Such notes and any interest thereon shall be secured solely by the payments by the state to the local government pursuant to the intergovernmental transfer agreement, and any payments received from the state by the local government shall immediately be applied to the retirement of any health care revenue anticipation notes issued for such purpose, together with any interest accruing thereon, with any remainder being used in such manner as determined by the governing body of the local government.
[Acts 2004, ch. 705, § 2.]