9-9-206. Application of law to other statutes.
(a) The provisions of parts 1 and 2 of this chapter shall be applicable to existing statutes authorizing the issuance of bonds, as well as acts of this and subsequent general assemblies.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provisions of general law, the provisions of parts 1 and 2 of this chapter shall prevail. However, bonds heretofore or hereafter authorized by the general assembly to be issued by the state funding board may be sold pursuant to the provisions of the Baccalaureate Education Savings for Tennessee Act, compiled in title 49, chapter 7, part 9.
[Acts 1957, ch. 186, §§ 4, 5; 1977, ch. 3, § 10; T.C.A., § 9-924; Acts 1989, ch. 190, § 9.]